On DVD: Brooklyn Independent Vol.1 (2007)

Brooklyn Independent Vol. 1 was just released on DVD through Indiepix. For a little background info, the Brooklyn Independent Film Series is run by Joe Pacheco. I attended a screening of Joe's documentary, As Smart as They Are, last year at the E.Vil City Film Festival. You can read all about that here. In the mean time, below you'll find info about the new Brooklyn Independent Vol. 1 DVD and how to order it. It has a great bunch of shorts, some of which I've seen at Barbes. Here's the Indiepix News Release:
IndiePix.net is elated to announce that after months of hard work, we are releasing the First Volume of the Brooklyn Independent Cinema Series. Joe Pacheco, the tireless curator of the Brooklyn Independent Cinema Series, has elected 10 stellar shorts film for this DVD compilation. They have all played at major festivals and won significant awards but, most importantly, they have played at Pacheco's screening series, which takes place every other Monday at Barbes, in the Park Slope neighborhood of Brooklyn.
Included on the disc are the following films: TRUE STORY, Directed by Stephanie Via; GRAND LUNCHEONNETTE, Directed by Peter Sillen; BARBARA LEATHER, Directed by Seth Lind; LA VIE D'UN CHIEN, Directed by John Harden; EGG, Directed by Benh Zeitlin; JETTISON YOUR LOVED ONES, Directed by Ray Tintori; SPIN, Directed by Jamin Winans; PATTERNS, Directed by Jamie Travis; TWITCH, Directed by Leah Meyerhoff; and VACATIONLAND, Directed by Lance Edmands.
Ranging from a documentary about a historic lunch counter to a science fiction film in which a man transforms himself into a canine, these films all reflect unique, up-and coming visions on the independent film landscape. And the filmmakers have proven themselves artists to watch; Ray Tintori's new short, DEATH OF A TINMAN, and Jamie Travis' latest, THE SADDEST BOY IN THE WORLD, both played to raves at both Sundance and South by Southwest Film Festivals!
To order your copy of Brooklyn Independent Vol. 1 for a mere $19.95 visit http://www2.indiepix.net/film/2523
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