Buffalo Central Terminal - November 11, 2006

[Pictured above: Buffalo Central Terminal Interior ticket booths]

These are pictures I took at Buffalo Central Terminal in Buffalo, NY, on November 11, 2006.
You may need to log in to Kodak EasyShare to view the pics. If for any reason you're unable to view them at the above URL, please let me know, and I'll email them to you directly.
Thanks to Phil Utech and Emil Novak. Note, the pictures of the baby nursery with severed heads, bloody dolls, and creepy clowns are a part of the set inside the Terminal of the independent film "Prison of the Psychotic Damned."
For more info on the terminal, visit http://www.buffalocentralterminal.org/index2.html.
You may need to log in to Kodak EasyShare to view the pics. If for any reason you're unable to view them at the above URL, please let me know, and I'll email them to you directly.
Thanks to Phil Utech and Emil Novak. Note, the pictures of the baby nursery with severed heads, bloody dolls, and creepy clowns are a part of the set inside the Terminal of the independent film "Prison of the Psychotic Damned."
For more info on the terminal, visit http://www.buffalocentralterminal.org/index2.html.
i think buffalonians should get together and start fixin the baggage building and the rea building display all the old box cars there display engines and passenger cars at train concorse hook the goddam thing back up to the main building and run tours of are freckin history!
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