Docs in Progress Open House
Over the weekend while visiting my family in Maryland, Sujewa Ekanayake and I met up with Erica Ginsberg, Executive Director of Docs in Progress, at the not-for-profit organization's new "Documentary House" in Silver Spring, Maryland, just a few short blocks away from the AFI Silver Theater, home of Silverdocs. Erica told us about the open house Docs in Progress is holding this Thursday night. Wish I could be there myself, but will be back in New York. If anyone in the DC/Maryland/Northern Virginia area would like to attend, here's more of the details courtesy of Erica.

This is an opportunity to tour Docs In Progress' new space which serves as our administrative offices and as a training and educational center for aspiring and experienced documentary filmmakers.
We look forward to this event to recognize alumni of our programs, thank our program sponsors and partners, introduce our new board, and welcome both the DC/Baltimore-area film community and Silver Spring's local community.
This Open House is also serving as our end-of-year fundraiser. Since this is our inaugural year in the space, there is no door charge, but, if you have not already made a tax-deductible contribution, we can accept your donations (checks, cash, or online credit card transactions).
We look forward to welcoming you!
We look forward to welcoming you!
Erica Ginsberg, Executive Director
Adele Schmidt, Director of Programs and Services
Sam Hampton, Director of Planning and Special Projects
Docs In Progress
Although our offices and training center are in Silver Spring, we will continue to hold screenings in Washington DC and Baltimore. A special thank you to The Documentary Center at the George Washington University and Creative Alliance for being amazing and generous sponsors of our screening programs.
Although our offices and training center are in Silver Spring, we will continue to hold screenings in Washington DC and Baltimore. A special thank you to The Documentary Center at the George Washington University and Creative Alliance for being amazing and generous sponsors of our screening programs.
Docs In Progress
The Documentary House
8700 First Avenue
(corner of First and Fenwick)
Silver Spring, Maryland
The Documentary House
8700 First Avenue
(corner of First and Fenwick)
Silver Spring, Maryland
We are only a few blocks from the Silver Spring Metro. Drivers can park in the gravel lot behind our house or in the Cameron Street Garage (garage parking free after 7 pm)
Labels: Docs in Progress, Erica Ginsberg, Indie Film Bloggers Road Trip, Silverdocs, Sujewa Ekanayake
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